- Haag, I.; Kassam, K.-A.; Ruelle, M.; Samimi, C.: Large-Scale Climate Data Meets Local Pamiri Reality (ECCAP Project). 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Washingthon D.C. (USA), 10.-14. Dezember. Poster.
- Lang, F.; Birk, S.; Dreiser, C.; Gärtner, S.; Samimi, C.: LiDAR Based Classification of Forest Structures
in Conifer-dominated Ecosystems in the Black Forest National Park (Germany). 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Washingthon D.C. (USA), 10.-14. Dezember. Poster.
- Haag, I.: Large-scale climate change meets Pamiri villages. Looking at climatic change in Central Asia through different spatial and methodological lenses. International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia. Almaty (Kasachstan), 9.-11. Oktober. Vortrag.
- Samimi, C.: Opportunities and Challenges of Remote Sensing and Modelling for Ecological Studies. University of Bayreuth International Research Alumni Conference 2018, Examples from Sub-Saharan Africa. Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)/Kisumu (Kenya), September 27-30. Talk.
- Samimi, C.: Der Pamir Zentralasiens – Gesellschaft-Umwelt-Beziehungen in einem ariden Hochgebirge. Geographische Gesellschaft Trier. Trier (Deutschland), 21. Juni. Vortrag.
- Samimi, C.: Anticipation and Response to Climatic and Environmental Change by Local Communities - An Introduction. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans (USA), 10.-14. April. Vortrag.
- Haag, I.: Raumzeitliche Veränderung von Temperatur und Niederschlag in Zentralasien. AK Hochgebirge. Innsbruck (Österreich), 2.-3- Februar. Vortrag.
- Mayr, M.: Trockenzeitliche Fernerkundung – Feuer und Vegetation der Savannen Namibias. Geographisches Kolloquium. Erlangen (Deutschland), 24. Januar. Vortrag.